
Spring Boot

Spring Boot is an open-source micro framework maintained by a company called Pivotal.

It provides Java developers with a platform to get started with an auto-configurable production-grade Spring application. With it, developers can get started quickly without losing time on preparing and configuring their Spring application.

Java Spring Boot is built on top of the Spring framework and comes with many dependencies that can be plugged into the Spring application.

Some examples are Spring Kafka, Spring LDAP, Spring Web Services, and Spring Security. However, developers have to configure each building brick using many XML configuration files or annotations.

In Spring Boot, there is no requirement for XML configuration (deployment descriptor). It uses convention over configuration software design paradigm which means it decreases the effort of the developer.

Spring vs SpringBoot

Advantages of Spring Boot:

  • It creates stand-alone Spring applications that can be started using Java -jar.
  • It tests web applications easily with the help of different Embedded HTTP servers such as Tomcat, Jetty, etc. We don’t need to deploy WAR files.
  • It provides opinionated ‘starter’ POMs to simplify our Maven configuration.
  • It provides production-ready features such as metrics, health checks, and externalized configuration.
  • There is no requirement for XML configuration.
  • It offers a CLI tool for developing and testing the Spring Boot application.
  • It offers several plug-ins.
  • It also minimizes writing multiple boilerplate codes (the code that has to be included in many places with little or no alteration), XML configuration, and annotations.
  • It increases productivity and reduces development time.


The boot provides a bunch of starter dependencies. These starter dependencies are part of the Spring IO platform. All the starter dependencies start with the word spring-boot-starter-*. For example spring-boot-starter-web.

Along with the Spring Boot Framework, many other Spring sister projects help to build applications addressing modern business needs. There are the following Spring sister projects are as follows:

  • Spring Data: It simplifies data access from the relational and NoSQL databases.
  • Spring Batch: It provides powerful batch processing.
  • Spring Security: It is a security framework that provides robust security to applications.
  • Spring Social: It supports integration with social networking like LinkedIn.
  • Spring Integration: It is an implementation of Enterprise Integration Patterns. It facilitates integration with other enterprise applications using lightweight messaging and declarative adapters.


Java Spring Boot enables a faster way to develop and get your application to Production. Spring Boot has a feature of  autoconfiguration, which helps start an application with minimal configurations.



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